Member Services
What is the Job of a Member Service Representative?
We’ll answer your questions regarding nearly all aspects of your Credit Union relationship. We’re knowledgeable in not only deposit accounts, including share accounts, share-draft accounts, certificates and IRA’s, but also in the basics of lending, bookkeeping, research and compliance. We will gladly forward questions beyond our scope to the appropriate Credit Union staff member. We can also help with updating account ownership information, a deceased member’s account, and adding or changing services and products to an existing account.
What Services Do Member Service Representatives Provide?
Member Service Representatives are the people you see to:
- Open a new account
- Update account ownership information
- Take out a CD
- Open an IRA
- Inquire about Trust accounts
- Ask questions about small business merchant accounts
- Talk about a deceased member’s account
- Get help setting up direct deposit or automatic bill payment services
- Get print-outs or statement copies to help you balance your accounts
- Add or change services on existing accounts, like Net Branch, AUDI, ATM, and Debit cards
- Assist in interpreting your credit report
No worries, you can find us on your mobile device too!
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